Wednesday, 5 September 2012


Hello everyone,

My name is Keith and this blog will be about my adventure into Bento box lunches (and possibly other cooking achievements.)

So here is a little about me, I'm 21 and was born two days before Christmas at the start of the nineties. I was born, and still remain, in Hull which is a city in Yorkshire, England.

You may ask why a young guy living in the UK would be interested in bento lunches, and I wish I could explain in a short sentence but I can't.

I have always, as far as I can remember, loved Japanese culture.
My love affair with Japanese culture probably started when I first saw Sailor Moon on UK tv. Ever since I have lapped up everything I can about the rich culture but I am not deluded in thinking everything about Japan is perfect. There are just as many things I don't like the sound of as there are things I enjoy.

I only recently remembered bento, which were often featured in Sailor Moon, and I started making them as I've always loved cooking.

I now live in a flat with my partner, who decided he wanted to be known as Meeko when I refer to him in my blog. So yes I am also gay :)

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